'a few of the old dark souls armor sets are returning to dark souls 3, which is lovely to see and some new armor sets that we havent seen yet and some badass weapons. fashion souls is here!!! Praise the Sun [T]/ all credit goes to IGN for obtaining the awesome footage and armor/weapon sets for us to feast our eyes upon https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKy1dAqELo0zrOtPkf0eTMw Subscribe to GIRLvsGAME: http://tinyurl.com/lgpsj4t Donate to my Paypal: http://tinyurl.com/o5u5uu5 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/GIRLvsGAME?ty=h Twitch Channel: http://www.twitch.tv/girlvsgameonyoutube Trumblr Channel: http://girlvsgameonyoutube.tumblr.com/ Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/ldo7qzy LIKE, FAV AND SUBSCRIBE. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!'
Tags: new , popular , funny , best , six , cool , set , game , sets , weapon , playing , games , walkthrough , female , commentary , awesome , let's play , Most , armor , death , dying , pvp , part , IGN , girl gamer , rage , dark souls , dark souls 3 , fashion souls , PVE , deadly , play through , raging , Dark Souls 2 , armor sets , girlvsgame , girl vs game , in game footage , 6 deadly , weapon sets
See also: